- Identify the characteristics of distance vector routing protocols.
- Describe the network discovery process of distance vector routing protocols using Routing Information
- Protocol (RIP).
- Describe the processes to maintain accurate routing tables used by distance vector routing protocols.
- Identify the conditions leading to a routing loop and explain the implications for router performance.
- Recognize that distance vector routing protocols are in use today
- Routing Information Protocol (RIP)
- Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP)
- Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP)
- The Meaning of Distance Vector:
A router using distance vector routing protocols
knows 2 things:
- Distance to final destination
- V ector, or direction, traffic should be directed
Characteristics of Distance Vector routing protocols:
- Periodic updates
- Neighbors
- Broadcast updates
- Entire routing table is included with routing update
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