Friday, April 8, 2011

Communicating over the Network

  • Describe the structure of a network, including the devices and media that are necessary for successful communications.
  • Explain the function of protocols in network communications.
  • Explain the advantages of using a layered model to describe network functionality.
  • Describe the role of each layer in two recognized network models: The TCP/IP model and the OSI model. Describe the importance of addressing and naming
  • schemes in network communications

Network Structure
  1.  Define the elements of communication
  • 3 common elements of communication
•  message source
•  the channel
•  message destination
      2. Define a network

  • data or information networks capable of carrying many different types of communications
     3. Describe how messages are communicated
  • Data is sent across a network in small “chunks” called segments
       4. Define the components of a network
–  Network components
  • hardware
  • software

     5. End Devices and their Role in the Network
–  End devices form interface with human network & communications network
–  Role of end devices:
  • client
  • server
  • both client and server

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